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What do I need to know about parenting time and child custody?

If you’re filing for divorce, here’s what you need to know about parenting time and child custody for your minor child.

In the State of Kansas, all judges will apply the standard of “best interest of the child” in every decision he or she makes regarding your child.

At the time of filing the divorce, parents may obtain a temporary order controlling the rules of custody for your pending case. Those orders may be entered by the filing party without the knowledge of the responding party, called “temporary ex parte orders,” or they may be entered once the responding party is served and has had an opportunity to respond, called “temporary orders.” In the event temporary ex parte orders are entered, the judge will not have the authority to change what is called “de facto custody.” This simply means the judge cannot take primary physical custody from one parent and give it to the other without that parent being involved in the court proceeding.

In the State of Kansas, there are two types of custody, legal and residential. Legal custody is setting out which parents will have decision-making rights over the child’s health, safety and welfare. Typically, legal custody is set as joint. This gives both parents decision-making rights over the child.

Residential custody is setting out where the child will primarily reside and how much parenting time the other parent will exercise with the child. A standard parenting plan involves one parent having primary residential custody and the other parent exercising every other weekend and alternating holidays.

It is important to remember that the judge will always apply the best interest standard when making a decision or approving the parent’s decision regarding the end result of custody. If parents reach an agreement, the presumption will be that the agreement is in the child’s best interest, but the judge must make that specific finding and approve the parent’s agreement.